Latest Columns


Life of Failure

The Pastor’s Pen By Steven Temple   To many of you, you were drawn to this article just ...


Running on full

The Pastor’s Pen By Steven Temple   Running on full is not something that we hear. The more ...


Seasonal depression turned to strength

The Pastor’s Pen By Steven Temple There are two groups of people, those that like winter and those ...


New Year’s Resolutions?

The Pastor’s Pen By Steven Temple Many spent the last week making resolutions or promises to keep for ...


Lumbar Radicular Syndrome

By Dr. Ronald S. Dubin Guest Columnist Today we will be discussing one of the most common complaints ...


Christmas is love. Love is Christmas

The Pastor’s Pen By Steven Temple   This past week we celebrated Christmas. The birth of our savior ...


Unexplainable Peace

The Pastor’s Pen By Steven Temple Advent is the expectation of the arrival or coming of Christ. In ...


The future of genetic testing

By Dr. Ronald S. Dubin Guest Columnist   For many decades the knowledge base of healthcare and how ...


Medicare vs. Advantage Medicare

By Dr. Ronald S. Dubin Guest Columnist   Quick! What are the most annoying repetitive non-political commercials currently ...


Vote NO on Ballot Amendment 2

By Eddie Campbell, Sharron Oxendine, and Jim Sproul Make no mistake about it, public education is on the ...

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