Jones’ new book shares stories from his battle with TTP
Published 11:32 am Wednesday, January 29, 2025
- Timothy Jones with the 2018 Amazon best seller “God’s Mighty Warrior” by Dusty Caudill and his new book "Chronicles of a TTP Fighter” which comes out in April. Both books share Jones’ stories from his time as a Capitol Police officer and details his battle against the blood condition known as TTP. (Photo by Jay Compton)
Timothy Jones of Middlesboro has a new book coming out soon that shares some of his personal stories during his battle with a rare condition called TTP (thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura). “Chronicles of a TTP Fighter” is a collection of these stories as well as interesting tales from his time working as a Capitol Police officer in Washington, DC.
Jones always had an interest in working in law enforcement and also had thoughts of possibly getting involved in politics someday. Those interests led him to becoming a Capitol Police officer. He got a firsthand look at history during his time in Washington. He was on duty on 9-11 when one of the planes crashed into the Pentagon. The next year he was the first officer to respond when a letter laced with anthrax was opened in Sen. Tom Daschle’s office. He served during inaugurations and worked protecting dignitaries in motorcades.
Around 2012, his life took a sudden change when what he thought was just a bought with the flu turned into something life-threatening. That’s when he was diagnosed with the blood condition TTP.
In TTP, blood clots form in small blood vessels throughout the body and cause organs to systematically shut down. The treatment is infusions of plasma to get the blood platelet levels back to normal. The process can take weeks.
Jones’ story was shared in the 2018 Amazon Best Seller “God’s Mighty Warrior” by Dusty Caudil. His new book not only picks up where that one left off, it includes some extra incites and answers questions Jones hears from the community.
“Everywhere I went people were interested in how I was doing. I want to be kind of an ambassador for this condition and this is a way for me to reach out to a bigger audience,” Jones said. “I also want to let the people in my hometown know that I’m doing okay.”
Jones is doing pretty well coping with his condition. Every few years something in his diet or a reaction to some medication will trigger the TPP and cause him to have to go back into the hospital for another round of infusions. He’s a special case because of his body’s ability to recover after each bout with TTP. Jones is a research subject for the UK Cancer Center as they look for a cure.
His last hospitalization came in November and he is still undergoing followup chemotherapy sessions.
“People see me different just because I’m able to recover. The doctors have been pretty amazed,” Jones said.
Most people who suffer from TTP die from organ failure.
Jones has done some speaking engagements and had the chance to meet several people from all over the world who have the condition. His story inspires them and the hope he sees in them is what has inspired Jones to be an ambassador for TTP.
“If this was God’s plan, then He prepared me for it. Through how hard it was to get into the Capitol Police, going back to my sports career — I was a four-time regional runner-up, if it was God’s plan to mold me into the person I am then He did a good job,” Jones said. “Like my doctor at UK told me, there have been plenty of people that have come in there and just gave up and died.”
Jones treats his battle with TTP like a fight against a bully. “God’s Mighty Warrior” details some of the numerous dreams, visions and encounters he had that reaffirmed his faith as a Christian.
He says he would live his life that same way all over again, knowing how he would end up in the end.
“There are people out there who will never, ever have the chance I had…I’ve got to achieve every dream I’ve wanted to,” Jones said.
“Chronicles of a TTP Fighter” will be released on in late April. Jones to write a third book, “Curtain Call” later this year.