Jarrett Chase Adkins receives Purple Cross from U.S. Border Patrol
Published 5:04 pm Monday, April 1, 2024
- From left, U.S. Border Patrol Chief Jason Owens, BPA Jarrett Chase Adkins and Border Patrol Sector Chief Sean McGoffin. Adkins was presented the Purple Cross “in commemoration of injuries and wounds received in the scope of duty” while serving at the Interstate 8 checkpoint near Yuma, Arizona, last October. (Photo courtesy Brian O’Brien)
By Brian O’Brien
Jarrett Chase Adkins, a 2015 graduate of Bell County High School, has received one of the U.S. Border Patrol’s highest honors the Purple Cross.
The Border Patrol held a special ceremony at Middlesboro City Hall last Thursday to present Adkins with his medal “in commemoration of injuries and wounds received in the scope of duty.”
He was hurt in October of 2023 when a vehicle traveling nearly 90 miles per hour collided with the Interstate 8 checkpoint east of Yuma, Arizona. Adkins sustained life-threatening injuries but was able to recover with the help of several individuals including fellow agents, Air & Marine Operations, and the medical staff at Yuma Regional Medical Center along with Saint Joseph’s Hospital.
Adkins was hailed for his “strength, resilience, and determination that shone through, becoming a beacon of inspiration to many.”
During Thursday’s event, several individuals spoke about what Adkins’ dedication to duty meant to them and to those he works with as a border patrol agent. Jason Owens, U.S. Border Patrol Chief, said that in the nearly 100 years of the Border Patrol’s existence, very few have been awarded this medal. He went on to cite Adkins’ dedication to duty and loyalty to his co-workers.
Owens conducted the pinning of the Purple Cross personally in front of several other Border Patrol agents and local first responders that Jarrett’s father Rodney Adkins had worked with at the Middlesboro Fire Department.
Rodney Adkins talked about the moment he and his wife received the call that his son was seriously injured. He went on to say how thankful he was that he had so many who came to his aid that day and those who helped his incredible recovery.
A video was shown of those who responded to the incident in October and Adkins’ co-workers wishing him well in the next phase of his journey and that they would be welcoming him back with open arms.