Military Kids Day returns to state Capitol

Published 10:07 am Wednesday, January 24, 2024

By Tom Latek

Kentucky Today

Military Kids Day, the annual event hosted at the Kentucky state Capitol, is scheduled for Tuesday, Feb. 27, with lawmakers encouraging military families and children in their districts to participate.

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Last year’s event was the most successful, as nearly 100 military kids from Kentucky and other states visited the Kentucky state Capitol campus.

Initiated by state Sen. Jimmy Higdon, R-Lebanon, at the request of a military family living in his district, Military Kids Day allows military children to participate in the legislative process each year, while the General Assembly is in session.

Hosted by the Veterans, Military Affairs, and Public Protection Committee (VMAPP), children are invited to take a Capitol tour, serve as a page for their respective legislators, participate in a Capitol scavenger hunt, and attend committee meetings on topics that are related to military issues.

The Kentucky state House of Representatives will host this year’s Military Kids Day. State Rep. Walker Thomas, R-Hopkinsville, serves as chair of the House VMAPP Committee.

“It’s always an honor to be a part of this incredible day and to know we are providing a positive experience to a group of kids who deserve it and so much more for the sacrifice they also make in their parents’ service to our nation,” Thomas said. “The House VMAPP Committee will welcome them with open arms. I encourage participation.”

Higdon added: “Military Kids Day keeps growing every year as more as more people learn about the opportunity to provide these great children with the attention they deserve. I owe a great debt of gratitude to the awesome staff we have at the Legislative Research Commission, my colleagues in the legislature, and everyone within the armed forces organization and the media who work hard to raise awareness and, most importantly, make this day special. I am eager to welcome military kids and their parents to the Kentucky state Capitol.”

Military Kids Day will begin at 9 a.m., again on Feb. 27, at the Kentucky state Capitol. To participate, complete an online application form at