Police fishing tournament raises money for local child
Published 8:00 am Friday, June 17, 2022
The Middlesboro Police Fishing for Violet Bass Tournament in May helped raise money for a local child in need.
Violet is a 10-month old who suffers from Conradi Hunermann Syndrome, which is a rare form of dwarfism. The tournament, held May 28 at Norris Lake, helps cover the cost of travel for treatment. Violet and her parents will go to Delaware in August, where she can receive treatment for scoliosis, kyphosis and other skeletal issues from a skeletal dysplasia specialist.
“The tournament was a total success,” said MPD Sgt. Chris Barnes. “By 5:30 a.m. anglers filled the parking lot at Brogans Hollow on Norris Lake. By 6 a.m., there was not a parking spot to be had.”
First-place winners Sawyer Walton and Justin Beeler donated $500 of their winnings back to Violet.
“We were able to raise a large amount of money and just wanted to say thank you to everyone who participated and supported the tournament,” Barnes said.
Second place winners were Ronnie Carries and his son, Jason. Aron Tipton and Matt Heidel finished third.