Reader expresses gratitude to nursing facility

Published 7:46 am Thursday, May 6, 2021

I would like to sincerely express my appreciation and gratitude for the excellent care that I received from everyone at the Middlesboro Nursing and Rehabilitation Facility. The staff created a caring environment with an impeccably high standard of care, delivered with such warmth and patience.

My goal was to be able to gain strength to take care of myself and to go home with minimal assistance required. After 17 days of therapy sessions, my level of mobility has improved tremendously and my pain has lessened significantly. I am now home because of your hard work and attention

Thank you again to Dr. Epperson, the front desk staff, the director of nursing, all of my wonderful therapists, to each nurse and CNA, to the housekeeping and food service, and to the wonderful grounds crew for the lovely courtyard.

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Iā€™m extremely grateful and blessed.

Betty Sue Lundy