Commissioner urges Kentuckians to support local farmers, businesses
Published 8:00 pm Friday, March 27, 2020
Photo courtesy of the Kentucky Department of Agriculture
Agriculture Commissioner Dr. Ryan Quarles encourages consumers to continue supporting Kentucky farmers through Kentucky Proud Buy Local Restaurants and Community-Supported Agriculture. Quarles challenged Kentucky consumers to order takeout from Kentucky Proud Buy Local Restaurants and to share photos on social media channels with #KyProudTakeout.
FRANKFORT — The Kentucky Department of Agriculture (KDA) is announcing two new web pages for consumers to support Kentucky farm families during the COVID-19 global pandemic, Kentucky Agriculture Commissioner Dr. Ryan Quarles announced on Thursday.
“The nation is mobilizing for war against an invisible enemy: the COVID-19 pandemic,” said Quarles. “Just because you are working from home does not mean you have to stop supporting Kentucky farm families. My office has developed a web page for consumers to find Kentucky Proud Buy Local Restaurants offering carryout, curbside, and delivery during this time. Additionally, we have developed a new page dedicated to Community Supported Agriculture, commonly called a CSA.”
Kentucky Proud® Buy Local Restaurants source from and support local farms. Offered by the Kentucky Department of Agriculture, this program rewards participants for enhancing their menus with locally sourced Kentucky Proud® farm ingredients. For Kentucky Proud® Buy Local Restaurants offering takeout options during the COVID-19 pandemic, go to
“I encourage Kentuckians to go to to find a list of Kentucky Proud Buy Local Restaurants you and your families can support while you are working and staying at home,” said Quarles. “Be sure to snap a photo and share it to social media with #KyProudTakeout to encourage people in your social network to buy local, too.”
Community-Supported Agriculture (CSA) is a food production and distribution system that directly connects farmers and consumers. Consumers buy “shares” of a farm’s harvest in advance and then receive a portion of the crops throughout the harvest. Many Kentucky Proud CSAs have pick-up and delivery options. For Kentucky Proud CSAs, go to