Pineville mayor defends fire department’s efforts
Published 4:47 pm Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Ashley Collingsworth | Daily News
The Pineville City Council sits inside their chambers during the regularly scheduled meeting on Monday.
Pineville Mayor Scott Madon defended the Pineville Fire Department during the Monday city council meeting following Sunday night’s fire.
Following the fire on Tennessee Avenue Sunday night at the Pineville City Council meeting Monday, Brian O’Brien with 106.3, with the encouragement of listeners told him to ask about the status of hydrants in that area.
Before O’Brien could finish the question, Madon responded, “They accessed seven hydrants last night. I don’t know how many hoses they used but I counted nine fire trucks.”
According to Madon, he was watching and could see eight fire hoses that were being accessed at one time.
“The pressure probably wasn’t that great, but you had so many hoses going,” he said. “I stood there and watched those firefighters. We are one of the only small cities that still has a small fire department.”
Madon said that Pineville is a Class 3 fire department.
“I’m very satisfied,” he said. “I left there last night very satisfied with what our department was doing, and I was very appreciative of what Bell County Fire Department was doing in assisting us because they don’t have to do that.”
Madon explained that when the fire broke out he watched what the firefighters did.
“I’m going to stand by our guys,” he said. “They did an exceptional job despite what many people are saying.”
Madon said that the home was extremely old and at this point, investigators aren’t sure if there was electricity on it.
“The house was really old and really dry because we hadn’t had a lot of rain,” Madon said. “I just don’t take too well when people bash our service people and our fire and police department when they are doing all they can.”
Madon continued, “Do I like the fact that we lost three homes, no, but when I got there, the three of them were engulfed.”
Mayor Madon said that it isn’t about adding more fire trucks or even adding more to the department.
“We’d have to raise taxes, and I don’t think people in Pineville are ready for that,” he said. “I mean, we have a fire like that every 10 or 15 years. It’s a bad situation.”
Madon said that it is easy to throw stones but people taking it out on the fire department is disheartening.
“We have 16 guys that don’t get a penny and they meet every Tuesday,” Madon said. “If you don’t think the fire was handled very well, they will gladly accept new roles.”
Madon closed the Pineville City Council Meeting by saying that he is very disappointed in people bashing the fire department.