Celebrating recovery with Recovery Fest Saturday

Published 3:53 pm Monday, September 16, 2019

September is Recovery Month and in Bell County, groups are coming together to celebrate those who are on the continued path of recovery.

“We wanted to celebrate those in recovery,” Jeannie Redmond Allen, co-chair of Bell Unite said. “Our goal is to create public events to assist Bell County with knowledgeable resources which are available to those seeking treatment.”

According to Allen, the team brainstormed on an event that would bring churches and organizations together to show love and offer help to those searching.

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“Middlesboro has been very successful with the “Walk Away from Drugs” annual event, so we decided to focus on Pineville,” she said.

This is the first year Recovery Fest is being held. The event will take place Saturday at Courthouse Square in Pineville. The event will begin at 5 p.m. and end at 8:30 p.m. It is a free, family-friendly fun event to celebrate recovery from addition.

“We have seen a large amount of people show interested in offering support,” Allen explained. “A couple of examples would be Dunlap Baptist Church bringing at least 20 people from their church to set up a table, offer help and learn from others the directions to lead people seeking treatment.”

New Heights Church will be setting up a table and handing out free hot dogs along with resources available through their church.

“Both New Heights and Dunlap have seen the effect this epidemic has taken on so many lives,” Allen said. “We will have many resources from outside the area, along with a live DJ and recovery stories. The Kentucky State Police will be discussing the Angel Initiative, entertainment from Chad’s Hope, a candlelight vigil and much, much more.”

Allen said the sole purpose of the event is to bring the community together and provide them with the tools and resources that are available.

“It’s to celebrate those who are in recovery, to remember those who have lost their life to addiction and to pray for our county, and its future,” she said.

There is space still available for anyone interested in setting up a table for the event.

In the case of rain, the event will be moved into the Pineville High School.