Community Picnic this Saturday at Southside Park

Published 5:10 pm Thursday, August 8, 2019

The Middlesboro community is invited and encouraged to attend a Community Picnic coming up Saturday from noon until 4 p.m. at the Southside Park.

“We encourage everybody to come out,” Councilman Boone Bowling said. “It’s a community picnic at Southside Park, and I encourage everybody to come out. There will be food, a DJ and cornhole. It will be a lot of fun.”

Information on the Community Picnic can be found on the City of Middlesboro Facebook Page.

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During the special-called meeting Tuesday night, the Middlesboro City Council adopted two new ordinances and approved the resolution for construction on 15th Street.

A significant vote was the approval of an ordinance from the City of Middlesboro authorizing the Bell County Sheriff and Clerk to collect taxes on personal property and ad valorem property taxes including delinquent taxes.

County Attorney Neil Ward drafted a Memorandum of Understanding for the council to read over that outlines the entirety of the ordinance for the council to understand. Councilman Bill Smith made a motion that was seconded by Councilwoman Glynna Brown. The council voted unanimously to approve the ordinance.

Mayor Rick Nelson believes that this will benefit the city with a bottom line collection of about $20 to $25,000.

“That’s what we are thinking,” Nelson explained. “I will say that the sheriff sends out the first notice, second notice, puts names in the paper, and if you do not pay then they will take those outstanding tax wills and they will sell them and that means the City of Middlesboro will get all of our money.”

According to Nelson, the sheriff is at about a 98 percent collection rate and the city is at a 90 to 91 percent.

The second ordinance approved is the resolution adopting a Main Street, City of Middlesboro, Small Business and Property incentive package whereas the council of the City of Middlesboro has stated a need to attract small businesses to downtown Middlesboro.

Councilwoman Judy Grandey made a motion to adopt the ordinance and Councilwoman Jessie Moberg seconded the motion. The council then voted, and it was approved unanimously.

The council also approved the resolution adopting and approving the execution of a memorandum of agreement between the Middlesboro City Council and Commonwealth of Kentucky, Transportation Cabinet, Department of Highways in the amount of $125,000 for the 15th Street Project.

“The construction company that won the state bid and we feel Hinkle has got that,” Mayor Nelson explained. “We have asked them to present to us what they are going to do with $125,000 and after talking with them I think we might just be better off giving that to them but we have more details later.”

According to Nelson, the blacktop has to be paid for upfront and then a check will be sent in and the city will be reimbursed.

A motion and a second were made following the council approving the resolution unanimously.

Mayor Nelson also announced a special work session for the Middlesboro City Council at 6 p.m. on Tuesday in the Council Chambers of City Hall. The public is invited and encouraged to attend.