Leadership Bell applications being accepted

Published 3:15 pm Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Leadership is defined as the action of leading a group or an organization, and the Bell County Chamber of Commerce and Leadership Bell County want to spotlight the local leaders in the community.

The Bell County Chamber of Commerce is hard at work on this year’s Leadership Bell class, and they are now taking applications and encouraging the community to apply and be a part of this community building experience.

Applications for this year’s Leadership Bell County are due to the Bell County Chamber of Commerce by June 15. If you would like to apply, you can visit their website at www.bellcountychamber.net

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“Leadership Bell County will make their final selection in July, and the last day to get applications back into the chamber office is July 15,” she said. “We have done a lot of good things with this upcoming class. We have revamped it and participants will receive a continuing education credit through a partnership with Southeast. I am excited that we are going to be able to offer this.”

The 2020 chamber dinner will include the graduation of the upcoming class of Leadership Bell County.

“I am excited that this year we are going to incorporate their graduation into the annual dinner to get recognition,” Durham said.

Leadership Bell County applications are on the Bell County Chamber of Commerce website www.bellcountychamber.net. On the website you can find a page designated just to Leadership Bell County.

If you would like more information on becoming a part of Leadership Bell or are interesting in becoming a chamber member, you can contact Sheila Durham at the Bell County Chamber of Commerce at 248-1075 or e-mailing Durham at chamber@bellcountychamber.com.