Kentucky Mountain Laurel Festival Queen Crowned
Published 5:07 am Sunday, May 26, 2019
Ray Welch | Daily News
Lauren Bohl, representing Union College, was crowned the new Kentucky Mountain Laurel Festival Queen on Saturday.
One of Kentucky’s most popular festivals has a new queen. The 2019 Kentucky Mountain Laurel Festival crown went to Lauren Bohl, representing Union College. She was escorted by Daniel Neal. Bohl beat out 21 other young ladies from colleges and universities in Kentucky to receive the crown.
Hundreds gathered at the Laurel Cove Amphitheater on what turned out to be a hot Saturday afternoon to participate in the 89th Queen Coronation. Each year, young ladies from across the state proudly represent their college or university as candidates for the Coronation.
The Queen’s Court paraded through the crowd participating in the long-standing pageant tradition in leading Bohl to the stage. The queen’s court is made up of young ladies representing area elementary and high schools, along with the remaining queen candidates.
Kentucky Governor Matt Bevin continued the old festival tradition by crowning the new queen and then leading the Queen’s Court and crowd with the singing of “My Old Kentucky Home” alongside Senator Brandon Smith.
The four-day festival includes crafts and concession stands as well as several activities, and downtown entertainment. The Princess Coronation was held Friday night and festivities kicked-off Saturday morning with the 5K Run/Walk and Gala Parade.
The Kentucky Mountain Laurel Festival first began in 1931 and is one of Kentucky’s oldest festivals.