Pool repair estimated at $8,000

Published 12:19 pm Friday, May 10, 2019

A company from Louisville made a trip to Middlesboro early in the week to inspect the city pool and give an estimate on what it will cost to repair the damage.

“The total cost for fixing the pool appears to be around $8,000,” Mayor Rick Nelson said following the meeting with the company.

The mayor announced in April that he and the council were trying to make a decision on whether to open the pool or close it for the summer, many community members stepped up. Some of those parents spoke to the Middlesboro City Council on several ideas and that included setting up a fund that would go specifically to the pool repair.

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“We had some individuals that have told me they would like to contribute toward having the pool fixed,” Nelson explained. “If this is the case, you can contribute by sending a check to the City of Middlesboro, and on your check put ‘pool repairs.’”

Nelson does want the public to know that the pool will not be open this year, even after the damage is repaired because of budget concerns.

“Whether you like this or not, it is what we are facing moving forward. We do have commitments to help with repairs and expenses to make it better for next year,” he said. “Thank you for your understanding in this matter.”

Reasons that Nelson has discussed prior to the announcement include needs that the city is facing and the costs that it will take to meet those needs.

Those needs include:

• Seven police officers short – $40,000 needed;

• Three firefighters/EMT’s short – $21,000 needed;

• Five police cars – $185,000 needed;

• Two ambulances – $340,000 needed;

• One backhoe – $120,000 needed;

• Two dump trucks – $160,000 needed;

Total need of: $1.5 million dollars.

Nelson also mentioned that there is an unknown increase in pension and health care costs.

“We will have a fund set up and none of this money will be used for anything but the pool repairs,” Nelson assured.

Anyone that wants to help contribute to have the pool repaired can send a check to the City of Middlesboro to P.O. Box 756 and label “Pool Repairs” in the memo line.