Elks Lodge Academic Quiz to be held in March
Published 11:12 am Thursday, February 21, 2019
Middlesboro Elks Lodge #119|
The winner of the 2018 Middlesboro Elks Lodge #119 Academic Quiz, Kenneth Treece, is seen here with second-place winner Maggie Jones. Both students are from Bell Central Middle School. The next Elks Lodge Academic Quiz will be held on March 23.
Middlesboro Elks Lodge #119 will host its second annual Academic Quiz for area school children on March 23.
The quiz will consist of 80 questions in the subjects of American history and United States geography.
A total of $2,700 in Walmart gift cards will be given away as prizes, made possible by a grant from the Elks National Foundation of their Grand Lodge.The student with the highest score will earn a $500 card, and the person who finishes second will receive a $300 card. Students with the next 10 high scores will each receive $100 cards.
All other students who score a passing grade will have their names entered in a drawing for nine additional $100 cards.
Organizers say that while some questions will be difficult, most won’t be and many will have four multiple choices.
Here are examples of questions from last year’s contest: 1. What is Kentucky’s official nickname? Bourbon, Bluegrass, Thoroughbred, Derby. 2. Who wrote and delivered the Gettysburg Address? Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, Clay. 3. What is the capital of Tennessee? Memphis, Nashville, Chattanooga, Knoxville.
The contest will be open to students enrolled in the 6th, 7th, or 8th grades in any public or accredited private school in Bell, Claiborne or Lee County, Va., and who will be less than 16 years old by the day of the contest.
The contest will begin at 11 a.m. on March 23 at the Elks Lodge building, 1670 N. 25th St. in Middlesboro, and will be open only to the first 50 students who pre-register, which must be done by a parent or guardian. Pre-registration will be on Saturday, March 16 from 2 to 5 p.m. at the Elks building.
If all slots are not filled on that day, registration will continue from 6 to 7 p.m. Sunday, Monday and Tuesday of the following week. Anyone may call 606-269-7055 or 606-248-9133 to inquire about any remaining openings.
Detailed contest rules will be provided to parents at registration. At the conclusion of the contest, pizza and soft drinks will be available for students, parents and others present.