Autumn is better with a dog
Published 6:30 am Wednesday, September 5, 2018
Everywhere you turn fall is in the air. Nothing says fall to me more than the smell of fresh cut hay, falling leaves, apple barns, pumpkin fields, and the crackling fire roasting marshmallows. High school football games reminiscent of years gone by when the aroma of hot chocolate and popcorn filled the town. Autumn is probably my favorite time of year. As with every season there are hazards, and as Hobo the Wonder Dog bids farewell to summer he wants to help you avoid the dangers that could ruin your autumn fun.
Mushrooms 101: Only 1 percent of mushrooms are highly toxic to pets but don’t play the odds. It is difficult to distinguish the harmful mushrooms from those not so toxic. The best advice is to simply steer clear and contact your veterinarian if your trusted Fido happens to digest any mushrooms. Symptoms common with mushroom poisoning:
· Vomiting / diarrhea
· Abdominal pain
· Weakness
· Fatigue / lethargy
· Uncoordinated movement
· Excessive drooling
Wildlife 101: With the changing of the fall temperatures reptiles and mammals alike begin preparations for hibernation. Skunks seem to pose the most significant inconvenience for Hobo’s pack as his best pal Grace has a skunk encounter almost weekly. While in most cases your dog being sprayed by a skunk is not life threatening it can cause:
· Temporary blindness
· Vomiting
· Anemia (rare)
With the above symptoms, have your dog assessed by a veterinarian. If the eyes are involved flush with plain water for about 10 minutes. Monitor your dog closely for seventy-two hours and take abnormal behavior seriously. As for the ambiance of skunk scent — good luck! We are probably the only people who have “Skunk-Out” on autoship. Unfortunately, products and home remedies we have tried, work as it may, when wet the odor returns. If you find yourself a commercial skunk odor remover here is the recipe I have used with some success:
· 32oz of 3% hydrogen peroxide
· ¼ cup baking soda
· 2 teaspoons of dawn dishwashing detergent
· 32oz lukewarm water
· Mix all ingredients together
· Apply deep into coat let stand for 5 minutes
· Rinse with lots of water
Use caution when using these products, keep out of eyes, never store the mixed chemicals, never mix chemical in a closed container.
Be on watch for snakes and other rodents as they look for hibernation locations. Rodenticide use is also increased during the cooler months and these poisons can be fatal if ingested by your pet.
Back-to-school and Party 101: Young and old alike are heading back to school keep a close eye on pencils, magic markers, and glue sticks all pose hazards to your pet. They may have a low toxicity but can cause gastrointestinal upset and blockages requiring veterinarian care. As we head back-to-school we often enjoy high school and college football game parties. Keep Fido out of harm’s way well-intended guest often offers Fido foods to which he is not accustomed — and gastric upset of your pet can sure put a damper on the festivities.
Bidding farewell to summer ushers in autumn — one of my favorite times of year to enjoy outings with Hobo the Wonder Dog! Keep Fido clear of flames, skunks, and drunks — and enjoy the trials this autumn.
Upcoming event at Kingdom Come State Park: Haunted Trail, Oct. 20 and 27. Not recommended for Fido or children under age 8. Contact: 606-589-4138 or
Autumn is better with a dog — woof!
Hobo the Wonder Dog, Your guide to travel, health and fun. Please follow Hobo on Facebook at Hobo the Wonder Dog or contact us at: