Middlesboro Main Street releases updated members’ guide

Published 9:56 am Friday, August 3, 2018

Middlesboro Main Street just released their updated members’ guide for any businesses or organizations who are interested in joining.

The guide is broken up into four main committees. They include design, economic vitality, organization and promotion.

The Design Committee is defined as focusing on getting Main Street revitalized and beautified. The goal of the committee is to create a safe and welcoming environment for shoppers, workers and visitors to Middlesboro all the while maintaining the historical past of the city.

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The committee is to focus on everything from storefronts, private buildings, signs, public spaces, parking, public art, landscaping, promotional material and other things. By working to establish a positive atmosphere, Middlesboro Main Street believes this can go a long way in injecting new life into the main street area.

The Economic Vitality Committee is meant to “strengthen the communities existing economic assets while diversifying its economic base.”

The Organization Committee will focus on maintaining and building upon local partnerships within the community, and the Promotion Committee is to promote a positive image that will establish community pride. Organization can cover everything from local history, culture and commercial trends.

The rest of the membership guide details the various pricing and plans. For more information, contact them at downtownmiddlesboro@gmail.com.