Photograph Your Pet Day is July 11
Published 6:30 am Wednesday, July 11, 2018
Courtesy of Howard Baker
A favorite photograph of Hobo the Wonder Dog at Mammoth Cave National Park.
July 11 is All American Photograph Your Pet Day and Hobo the Wonder Dog wants to help you celebrate your pet by encouraging you to photograph your best pal.
Hobo the Wonder Dog is no stranger to the camera; his picture is taken frequently and shared on social media, greeting cards, and from time to time with his newspaper articles. Taking your pet’s picture and posting them on social media gives you the gift of having your trusted friend’s image to brighten your day.
Often, I see secretaries, managers, doctors and all walks of life posting pictures of their pets on their desk, on a bulletin board, and lockers at work — and why not. Our pets give us common topics to discuss, trade stories and experiences with our pets to brighten our day. Pets are not just for singles. Pets become part of the family and have taken their rightful place in family photographs. We are spending more time and memories with our four legged, furry, scaly, slithering, feathery, pets than ever before. Whatever your pet — lets celebrate National Photograph Your Pet Day by snapping and sharing a picture of your pet.
It has been a pleasure photographing Hobo the Wonder Dog for the last four years. What I have learned when taking a picture of Hobo — I must be patient, spend time on his level and the value of an assistant to help position Hobo in place. However, many of my favorite photographs of Hobo were taken when we were just relaxing in nature.
I encourage you to get out with your pet and find a point of interest for your back drop. If your pet is comfortable with having props of hats, glasses, and clothing then go all out. I always recommend taking things slow and the most important thing to remember — is to make it fun, and no stress.
A fun picture of your pet is a sure-fire way to brighten your day when at work or when you are feeling down. Pictures of your pet may start a conversation; find common interest with acquaintances, co-workers, venders, and customers. Mark your calendar for July 11 and dress your trusted pets up, take them to your favorite scenic spot, and let your imagination run wild to create a memorable photograph of your pet.
Post your photographs of your pets on social media using #AllAmericanPetPhotoDay and #HobotheWonderDog. We look forward to seeing photographs of your pet.
Life is better with a dog — woof!
Hobo the Wonder Dog, Your guide to travel, health and fun. Please follow Hobo on Facebook at Hobo the Wonder Dog or contact us at: