Bell Fiscal Court meeting held
Published 7:45 pm Tuesday, July 10, 2018
The July 10 Bell Fiscal Court meeting was held at 11 a.m. at the Old Courthouse in downtown Pineville. The meeting was called to order by Judge-Executive Albey Brock.
After the Pledge of Allegiance and roll call, Brock went straight into the agenda items as there was no audience participation.
• Item A was a motion to pay bills and make necessary transfers and the motion was approved.
• Item B was a motion to accept the treasurer’s financial statement for June and the motion was approved.
• Item C was a motion to to accept the Bell County Sheriff’s (Mitch Williams) claim sheet for fee account for June. The motion was approved.
• Item D was the Committee Progress Report. The committee had no news to report, but Brock took a minute to highlight how much grass the county is cutting.
“We’re definitely cutting a lot of grass and weeds…we’re at it every day. It seems like we can’t cut it faster than it’s growing,” he said.
Brock also mentioned that they are looking to use a piece of equipment that will allow for more heavy duty cutting to be performed.
From there the agenda went to Item E.
• Item E was a motion to approve a resolution authoring the filing of a Kentucky Local Government Economic Development Fund (LGEDF) House Bill 200 project/grant application in local government development single county funds with the Department for Local Government (DLG); authorizing and directing the Bell County judge-executive to execute any documents which are deemed necessary by DLG to carry out this project and authorizing the judge-executive to act as the authorized correspondent for this project.
The LGEDF fund, according to the official DLG website, is to provide grants of coal severance and processing tax revenues for coal-producing counties. These grants are made to help eligible counties diversify their economies outside of the coal industry.
The motion was granted for Item E.
• Item F was the motion to accept Bell County Sheriff’s 2017 property tax settlement, 2017 franchise tax settlement and the 2017 gas and oil tax settlement (subject to audit). The motion was approved.
• Item G was the motion to hire part-time deputy jailers effective July 12. The motion was approved.
• Item H was the motion to accept checks in the amount of $48,947.27 from the Bell County sheriff. The motion was approved.
The meeting was adjourned following an approved motion to accept checks in the amount of $20,166.68 from Bell County Clerk Debbie Gambrel.