Pineville files lien against PCH, Americore

Published 2:19 pm Friday, June 8, 2018

An alleged failed promise has the City of Pineville and AmeriCore Health, LLC at odds. The city has filed a lien against the Pineville Community Hospital Association for unpaid taxes and bills in the sum of $429,309.69 , according to the court document that was filed on April 30.

Pineville Mayor Scott Madon said the city had no choice after a breakdown in communication left the mayor searching for answers.

“I’ve never seen anything like this in my whole entire life, and it’s just time for it to come to an end with us,” said Madon. “We had no choice after they signed documents in October to agree to start paying us. They didn’t. Nobody would communicate, so we filed liens to try to recoup what they owe us in taxes and water and sewer bills.”

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Madon said Americore and the hospital has been put on notice, both verbally and with a certified letter, that their water would be cut off on June 20 if the city isn’t paid.

These issues began after the city tried to be “good neighbors.” Madon said they didn’t force the company to pay any of the taxes at first because of a promise made and legal documents signed by Americore and the PCH board.

“We continued to let it go on because of a promise to be paid, but it has gone on for over two years now and no communication. They won’t communicate with us or tell us what their plans are,” said Madon. “When we do finally get to communicate with Americore, they tell us…it’s up to the current PCH board. When we speak to the board, the board tells us it’s Americore’s responsibility.”

Madon said the city tried to help because the hospital has been a business in Pineville for a long period in time. They were also trying to help the employees who remain at the hospital.

The failure to pay the bills and taxes have a negative effect on Pineville as a whole, according to the mayor. That money goes into the General Fund budget.

“I’ve been sitting down there today trying to come up with a $90,000 shortfall that I’ve got to try to figure out,” said Madon. “They probably owe us close to half a million dollars.”

Madon also provided some insight as to the direction of the hospital. He said that he spoke with new CEO Jeff Egbert, who he claims was very open and honest.

“From what we have known PCH Hospital to be for the last 50 or 60 years will not be any longer. Now, that was not what we had been told for two years. (It was) that they were coming in here to save the hospital,” said Madon. “It’s not going to be that. It’s going to be something completely different. It’s going to be more on the lines of a rehab facility (and) laboratories. It will not be an acute hospital. (Egbert) let me know that real quick.

“We would love to have our hospital, but as long as it continues on this path…I don’t see how it can ever be successful. The community as a whole has lost faith in it. It’s really bad. To me, it’s really bad what they’ve done to these employees. They’ve gone over a year and not had insurance. It’s a bad situation.”