Main Street dreams
Published 12:20 pm Monday, April 23, 2018
Courtesy of Discover Downtown Middlesboro
Discover Downtown Middlesboro has entered America’s Main Streets Contest.
The efforts of Discover Downtown Middlesboro to revitalize the city do not stop at the Levitt AMP Your City Music Series. DDM is dedicated to enriching the the downtown area and experience in all aspects.
Recently, DDM has entered America’s Main Streets Contest, which is presented by Stihl. According the official website, the contest is all about celebrating the rich history, heritage and cultural importance of the Main Streets all across America. A town or city’s Main Street is integral to the continued growth and success of those towns and cities. A Main Street has the potential to draw in locals and tourists alike day after day by offering unique services from local businesses.
The goal of the contest is to help Main Streets all around the country grow and prosper. The winning Main Street receives a $25,000 prize that goes toward revitalization efforts.
Middlesboro is, of course, in the running for the contest.
The official statement DDM has on the contest website highlights the city’s unique history that includes being the only American city built within a meteor crater, boasting the oldest continuously played golf course, and its convenient location among state and national parks such and Pine Mountain State Park and the Cumberland Gap National Historical Park.
According to its website, Middlesoro Main Street – “Discover Downtown Middlesboro” is a non-profit organization that was established with the direct intent to preserve the history of the town and “instill the southern charm that comes so naturally with our scenic backdrop. The organization has worked to spearhead revitalization of the downtown area. This is accomplished through coordinating grassroots action by volunteers on four committees – Organization, Promotion, Design, and Economic Restructuring. Some recent projects include organizing the Christmas Parade and decoration of the downtown, addition of four fountains and seating at Cumberland Avenue and 20th Street, and encouraging the restoration of several buildings downtown.” Downtown Middlesboro also has a local Farmer’s Market.
Currently, all of the nominations for the contest are being tallied to figure out the 25 contestants who will reach the quarterfinals. Voting to determine the top 10 semifinalists begins on April 30.
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