Lone Jack students are ‘100 days smarter’
Published 7:07 pm Tuesday, February 20, 2018
Students at Lone Jack School Center have been in school for 100 days! The 100th Day of School was Feb. 8. The 100th day of is a great way for teachers to celebrate the various mathematical concepts that can be taught using the number 100.
From the very first day of school, classes begin keeping track of the number of days they are in school in anticipation of the 100th day. This anticipation is actually the first math lesson of the year, as the days are marked using Popsicle sticks, straws, etc., ten of which become a “ten bundle,” paving the way to counting by tens and ones.
In celebration of this accomplishment, Staci Slusher-Fosters’ second grade music class began the day with a 100th day song during morning announcements. Also during morning announcements, five students were recognized with prizes from the Family Resource Youth Service Center for their accomplishment of perfect attendance for all 100 days: Ashton Burns (eighth grade), Dakota Walters (seventh grade), Madison Hoskins (seventh grade), MaKayla Simpson (seventh grade) and Emma Price (fifth grade).
To motivate and get the students’ energy flowing for the day , they entered the gym to the tune of Celebration Day with activities beginning with 100 exercises, led by Brenda Ferguson (kindergarten teacher). Students did 10 repetitions of 10 different exercises.
Lone Jack hosted a 100th Day Parent-Child Triathlon, in which parents and students competed in 100th day events to be crowned winners for the 2017-18 school year. Events included: Counting by 10’s to 100 to make gumball machines with paint; 100 yard dash; Making a Fruit Loop Necklace counting by tens; Place Value: Expanded Form and Identifying Numbers in the Hundreds, Tens, and Ones Place; 50 Yard Three Legged Sack Race Combined with 50 Yard Wheelbarrow Race; Eating 100 Cheerios (Kids feeding them to the parents); Blowing a paper clip 100 inches through a straw; 100 Word Search for words that count by 10’s (ten, twenty, thirty, forty, and so on); Designing a 100 Monster with 10 eyes, 10 arms, 10 legs, etc., etc. until it has 100 parts; and Putting together a 100 Puzzle Number Line.
It was a terrific time for the parents to experience some of the math, art, P.E., language arts, etc. that takes place in classrooms every day. It also gave parents a chance to see some of the thing that their children have learned in the first 100 days of school.
Winners of the Parent-Child Triathlon were Donna Ferguson and daughter, BryLeigh Ferguson (kindergarten student). They were honored with medallions provided by the school’s PTSA organization.
After lunch, students participated in 100th Day Centers. They rotated to different centers in which they focused and reviewed the number 100. Centers included: Counting Caterpillar Number Line (kindergarten and first grade), 100-Eyed Martian Design (Second and third grade), Highlighting Hidden 100’s to form the number 100, Making 100th Day Sunglasses, Putting together 100 Piece 100th Day Puzzles, Pin the 100 on the Target Game, Life-size Hundreds Chart and Dice Game, and Making 100th Day Crowns to wear.
Students took home 100th Day Bags full of keepsakes to share with their parents. Zero the Hero (played by Sharon Parrott) paid a surprise visit to the students of Lone Jack. Students performed with Zero the Hero to motions and song to count by 10’s to 100. Zero the Hero left the students a special surprise in the school cafeteria. They enjoyed Oreo snacks made into the number 100 with fruit punch.
While students enjoyed their snacks, students put on a fashion show on the school stage, sporting their 100th Day School T-shirts including: Time Flies…100 days (with a frog trying to catch 100 flies), I “Lego” of 100 days of school with 100 Legos, 100 Days of School are “Up” with a scene from Disney’s “UP” movie, Creeping Past 100 Days (Minecraft), 100 Days of School and Loving It with 100 hearts, etc.
Winners of the fashion show were: Scarlett McKendrick (kindergarten), Logan Philpot (kindergarten), Presleigh Venable (first grade) and Hayden Saunders (first grade).
Prizes were awarded by the school’s Family Resource Youth Service Center. Tayler Mills (first grade) also found a book with 100 words and brought it in to the school librarian for a prize.
The countdown is now on until school’s out for the summer.