An old-fashioned Christmas brunch
Published 9:51 am Thursday, January 4, 2018
Photo submitted
The Major George Gibson Chapter NSDAR held an old-fashioned Christmas brunch in December.
The Major George Gibson Chapter NSDAR enjoyed an old-fashioned Christmas brunch on Dec. 9 at the Virginia home of Agnes Marcum. In addition to Marcum, the hostesses were Sharon Harrell, Fay Ramsey and Myra Richardson. Chaplain Manerva Watson opened with a prayer and blessing for the food.
Regent Nancy Britton welcomed guest Judy Richmond and thanked the four members who hosted this annual event. Other members present were Charlotte Brooks, Andrea Cheak, Dolores Ham, Judy Hounshell, Linda Lawson, Rebecca (Becky) Royal and Augusta Sinon.
Britton reported that she recently delivered Christmas gift bags to veterans at the Community Living Center at Mountain Home, Tennessee, and that the recipients were grateful and excited to receive them. Members were given a list of suggested items to collect for next year’s donation.
The group had a period of fellowship while enjoying the many delicious foods. Afterward, there was a Christmas ornament exchange and a lively Christmas game. The hosts gave each attendee several useful items collected or handmade throughout the year. A music theme is planned for next year’s Christmas event.
The Community Service and Good Citizen Awards are scheduled for presentation at the January chapter meeting.