Local NSDAR chapter conducts meeting
Published 7:24 am Saturday, November 25, 2017
The Major George Gibson Chapter NSDAR met Oct. 28 at Flatwoods United Methodist Church, Jonesville, Virginia. Dolores Ham hosted with assistance from Joy Burchett. Other members in attendance were Regent Nancy Britton, Andrea Cheak, Sharon Harrell, Rebecca (Becky) Jones, Agnes Marcum, Fay Ramsey, Myra Richardson, Rebecca (Becky) Royal and Augusta Sinon.
Regent Britton called the meeting to order, welcomed everyone and began the DAR Ritual. Becky Royal read the chaplain’s portion with customary member responses. Members then joined in the Pledge of Allegiance, The American’s Creed, the Preamble to the Constitution and the national anthem. Regent Britton read a Flag Quote by Ronald Reagan.
For devotion, Regent Britton read a short story in which the author compares the carving of a pumpkin to how God works on Christians.
Dolores Ham provided the American Heritage Minute by showing two framed quilt squares made by a great grandmother. Dolores believed the pieces were leftover fabric from things her ancestor had sewn. A quilt expert dated the cloth as being from the 1920s.
Andrea Cheak read from the NSDAR President General’s October 2017 online message that she was especially concerned for our members, schools, and veterans who had been impacted by the recent hurricanes. She asked members to engage both new and longtime members in the work, history and activities of the Society. The 127th anniversary of the founding of DAR was being celebrated in October.
Fay Ramsey presented the Flag Minute. The Indian Minute, given by Agnes Marcum, featured the Choctaw. Agnes Marcum also presented the DAR School Minute,
Joy Burchett’s National Defense Minute was about the sharing and wearing of red poppies in honor of World War I veterans.
Regent Britton gave the American History Minute, stating that October was Family History Month.
The program, “Trip of a Lifetime,” presented by Dolores Ham, followed the path of Jacob Rasnick, a “Hessian” soldier of the American Revolutionary War.
Under the Women’s Issues and Women’s Health Minute, Regent Britton noted that October had been designated National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, National Fire Prevention Month, Healthy Lung Month, and many others. Members were reminded to get their mammograms and flu shots, and to change batteries in smoke detectors. October 16th was World Food Day, so donate to church food pantries or community food banks. It is time to review Medicare coverage. Britton also showed a list of items to include in an emergency “Grab and Go Bag.”
Several items were listed under the Conservation Minute: Enjoy fresh produce, hayrides, and corn mazes; spread the ‘no farms, no food” message; plant tulips in November due to the cooler soil temperatures; conserve water; and continue to recycle.
During the business portion of the meeting, the secretary and treasurer reports and other items were approved. Members again voted to participate in the “Wreaths Across America” program by donating to the Mountain Home, Tennessee Veterans Cemetery.
Regent Britton thanked Dolores Ham and Joy Burchett for hosting. The next meeting of the Major George Gibson Chapter scheduled was a Thanksgiving luncheon followed by a Christmas brunch on Dec. 9.