New vendors mall opens

Published 10:08 am Friday, October 6, 2017

Local businesses appear to be booming, as new vendors’ mall Eva’s and Evan’s opened its doors to the public last Friday, providing great opportunities for small businesses across the community.

“I am sincerely devoted in my commitment to my community. Supporting small businesses its very important to me,” said Rhonda Cornett, owner of the new vendors’ mall.

The mall serves as a melting pot — and, some would even say, a saving grace — for several small businesses, as local vendors, including Cornett herself, are welcome to rent out space to display and sell their own products. Many have taken Cornett up on that offer, with much of the provided space already being occupied with antiques, furniture, vintage toys, household items, name brand clothes and much more.

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Cornett is a Bell County resident who has spent the majority of her life dedicated to helping those around her. She served as a veteran in the United States Army for eight years, then continued assisting the Army even after completing her service by becoming a teacher for fellow veterans overseas. Today, Cornett can be found serving diners at the local restaurant Sage Brush, in addition to now operating her very own business.

Cornett’s inspiration for Eva’s and Evan’s came from two exceptionally significant people in her life: her mother, the late Eva Cornett, and her son, Evan Cornett.

Cornett was introduced to the importance of small local businesses early in life, as her mother owned several herself throughout her life. Well-known and adored by many, Eva quickly found success among the world of business owning, and — perhaps most importantly — a great passion for the field. A passion that was soon passed on to her daughter, Rhonda.

A love for the business wasn’t the only thing Eva passed on to her daughter, however. Rhonda seems to have inherited her good-hearted nature and eagerness to help others from her mother as well.

When in business, Eva never put her personal gain first. Instead, she saw it at a way to positively impact the community, and used the means provided to her to help those in need. She often donated items from her store to people in the area, and even told customers suffering from tragedies to pick out anything they needed, free of charge.

Rhonda says she strives to operate her business with the same honest, caring nature her mother did, gaining strong bonds to many loyal customers along the way.

Eva’s and Evan’s is currently still accepting new vendors and anyone interested in renting their own space should contact Cornett or simply stop by the shop, located on Buell Hill just off U.S. 25E.